Monday, 9 January 2012 0 comments
Day 131 of 365

Monday 9/1/12

Hello hello hello.
Monday morning, back to reality.
My year starts here.

So, unfortunately it's back to reality I go.
Although today it came a little later than expected, even though I woke up with good intentions.
Unpacking took forever, girly chats in my bedroom followed by my first bubble bath back in Leeds.
A lot of procrastination... 
Little work.

I did however achieve something.
I am not sure quite how proud I should be.
You know when your makeup brush starts to resemble the colour of the blusher or foundation your using, it's time to clean it... 

Well, that came on a whole new level for me today.
New year, new start and the first day back in Leeds I decided was the day I was going to clean my brushes. I cleaned them that well, with so much TLC, dipped in toner, then anti bacterial then boiling water, I am pretty sure they would have been good enough to sell as new.
Oh then I blow dried them.

I think today, my life hit an all time low.
Whereby the most exciting thing was the above.

Right now I am sat at my desk, my back is killing and my eyes feel weary.

I want to get snuggled in bed but I am going to struggle on and push for a late night.
I need to do some work! 

On that note, I better be off.
Hope you're all well.

I will leave something for you...
I received it in the post yesterday, along with an amazing DVD, tempting me to pack my bags and go do a ski season, if like me, you're dreaming of something that you're not doing right now take a look.



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