Thursday, 19 January 2012 0 comments
Day 140 of 365

Wednesday 18/1/12

Evening y'all

How are we?
Wow it has been a long day and the night has only just begun unfortunately. I have been in the library for 12 hours, staring blankly at a computer screen wishing something miraculous would happen. Sadly this was not the case, instead i received a rather chilling email about our final crit next week. That's all the work we've done from September to now, counting on a five minute slot to which we will stand there being grilled, questions flying from all directions and probably something which will leave me feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. Oh the joys of Architecture.

I love it really, sad?

So tonight I am expecting a long night but fear not, energy drinks and coffee, oh and a donut of course! Treating myself you see, after all this hard work and all? 
I keep telling myself I am allowed a treat once in a while but truth is, that 'while' seems to be a familiar occurrence of late, ah well! Life goes on.

So i better keep it short and sweet, I figured i would just enlighten you on my oh so interesting life... sigh*

Hey, it's Wednesday though, for you lucky lot that means it's nearly the weekend, sadly for me I am wishing I had a Bernards Watch to pause time - how great would that be right now. In the meantime, I have just published my first book. Well, I sent off for two publications as a matter of fact, I am rather pleased, excited to see the outcome, I will be sure to update you.

Anyway, less of this babbling, work awaits. Oh, just before I go... 
I went to Manchester on Monday to grab some last minute shots ahead of my design crit and I managed to get a nice little image, unfortunately not quite a sunset as the lighting wasn't great and we were just about leaving but considering it was blue Monday, it looks a pretty nice Monday to me. Maybe blue relates to the sky, not a cloud in sight... 

Night x


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