Saturday, 28 January 2012 0 comments
Just checking in to let you know I am infact alive and well.
Albeit in the library at quarter to midnight on a Saturday night, yes this is what my weekends have resorted to. Boring as hell I hear you say, well you wouldn't be far off.
Thankfully I have company in the form of my housemate and a few like minded crazy Architecture students. I cannot wait until Monday when this dreaded dissertation will be signed, sealed and delivered.

Then it'll be a much deserved night out followed by a train ride home, the next day I may add.
Anyway, I promise to update on the past week, if my mind allows me to retrace my steps. I have been in a somewhat state of confusion this past week, sleeping a mere 8 hours over 5 days. It's near killed me but I am here to tell the story. I am now going to keep it short and sweet but I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. Not in the library or doing work of any kind I hope. 


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