Tuesday, 10 January 2012 0 comments
Day 132 of 365

Tuesday 10/1/12

Ey up chuck

No idea why that sprang to my head but it did.
Hi there.
I've just done something naughty, I've just had the most delicious sandwich from the shop around the corner but now I am very full!
I must go for a run tonight, burn it off - we can live in hope.

How are you lovely lot? 
I'm just having a little break after a morning of work.
I also did something a little crazy yesterday... wait for it... 
I de-activated my Facebook.
Duh, duh, duh.
1 day in and I am going strong, however - going on Twitter more than ever.
I know what you're thinking... it defeats the object but no, there are far less distractions and you don't have to pretend to ignore anybody on Twitter!

Also... have a lovely new song for you.

M83 - Midnight City.

See what you think? It makes me feel happy, like Summer...
I know i know it's their 6th album so hardly new but they're brilliant and yes, it's the theme tune to one of my favourite TV shows!

So today, I used my new straightners for the first time, the box has been sat staring at me since Christmas day but truth is, I just didn't have the heart to reject my oh so trusting oldies. I have had them for 9 years. My housemate accompanied me in ripping open my new box yesterday and they're oh so wonderful. Gliding through my hair, I feel like a million dollars.
Okay maybe not. 

So something a little fun now... 
I am 21 in a matter of months and my mother's 50. For the past couple of weeks she has been harping on at how she has a list of things she wants to have achieved by 50. I am a little boring, I have nothing on 'my list'.
Today however I found in my magazine the following:
I wonder if I could apply any let's see.... the voice of Hannah Daisy Braid, me, myself and I, in all my glory... In bold italics~

1. Marry the future King - like that's gonna happen
2. Get that tattoo or piercing you've always dreamt about - my Mom's always put me off
3. Go to New York and live like Gossip Girl's Serena for five days straight. That includes wearing Louboutins and drinking fizz - as a matter of fact I am going to NYC, I hope - Hell to the Yeah
4. WARNING - PG/EXPLICIT Experience multiple orgasms - No comment
5. Leave home. Your Mum must not be doing your washing when you're 30 years old - Sorta happened but she still does the washing, its my welcome home present!
6. WARNING - PG/EXPLICIT Use a vibrator - Ahem, no comment
7. Go to Glastonbury and dance like a crazy lady - in festival chic clothing, obviously - V Festival or Wakestock is a must this year, need I be reminded to dance like crazy/festival chic!
8. Stay out all night and watch the sun rise in the morning - And cuddling under the stars like an American movie please? Too much to ask?
9. Go travelling - something that I really want to do, right now
10. Have sex with a man from another country - interesting/exciting!
11. Fall head over heels in love with someone - wish list, I want to experience 'adult love', see if it beats young love...
12. Save for a whole year to afford an amazing designer handbag, who cares if your parents or bank manager don't approve, it's an investment - Get me to the nearest Mulberry, now
13. Have sex al fresco. Save this one for Summer - Again, interesting!
14. Spend at least one Valentine's Day without a man and go out dancing with the girls instead - Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, last time my boyfriend went to Paris - without me! Hence, he's now an ex! 
15. Have a full body massage - With plenty of karate chops for good measure
16. Date someone who isn't your type - Sorta happened, it was fun
17. Get down to your goal weight, then gorge on Krispy Kremes to celebrate - Now that would be good...
18. Go on a girlies holiday - Do i dare?
19. Go skinny dipping with a very hot man - Sounds like fun
20. Be brave and ask for the pay rise you've wanted for the last two years - Again, do I dare?
21. Go to Disneyland in Florida, who says it's just for kids? - Always been on my to do list
22. Call in sick because you're so hungover you can't remember your own name - I am sure this has happened once before...
23. Go skiing or snowboarding, just don't take lessons from Bridget Jones - get me on the slopes, I wish I could stop dreaming and do it
24. Sleep with an ex, then never contact him again - I had a dream about this last night, would love to, with just one- did I just say that!
25. Dress up as a sexy nurse/secretary for your man - what man?
26. Get your dream job - Hello LDN, pretty please?
27. Kiss someone special in the pouring rain - oh so romantic :) 
28. Try an extreme sport - white water rafting is super fun
29. Wax your legs, bikini or eyebrows, if you dare - like I don't already!
30. Snog someone famous, and preferably fit - This one time, it nearly happened, I dreamt of selling my story and everything, then it hit me - he wasn't hot or cool, just famous! I have morals and standards for that matter!

And a few I would like to add...

31. Go to London and watch the Olympics
32. Go to as many live gigs as possible
33. Try to get 10,000 hits on my blog before 2013
34. Record a song, even if no one hears it
35. Learn to play that ukulele that's been sat staring at me from a distance
36. Live life to the full
37. Go heli skiing
38. Graduate with a 2:1 or above
39. Live in Canada
40. Go to an ice hockey game

Whatcha think?


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