Day 181 of 365
Wednesday 29/2/12
Hands up.
Did anyone have the balls to ask a guy to marry them today?
I didn't.
There was a little hurdle in my path to marriage, I don't have a boyfriend. Yes, I am a single pringle. No, I will not be asking a random fella in the street to marry me!
Butt.... if you did.
Well done.
I hope he said yes.
In the meantime, I'd prefer things to go traditionally.
I don't think I did anything today out of the ordinary. Infact, I didn't do much at all.
I went to Uni all day, I had a text read out on the radio... that's not uncommon however.
I then went to my 3D course!
Oh yes, I said I would show you. Sorry if it bores you, I think it is pretty cool.
So week One - last week I started by making some spheres.
Followed by this...
I am not quite sure how to describe it but hey.
So then, this week it got a bit more complex and I created the following:
Just an example of what you can achieve on a 3D programme when you know how!
Anyway, hope your day has been good?
Sorry if this bores you greatly however, Architecture geek be me, deep down.
Anyway, in a major shift ... now I want to talk about music. I figure I better leave you with a gooden as it's the end of February tomorrow, with the new month I will be trying something new and exciting. Hold tight.
So, for the last song of the month I am going to leave you with this beaut.
A happy song to end the month.
Dance around go wild. Let your hair down and pretend your in the sunshine, if you're not.
My treat to you.
Thanks for reading through Feb! Here's to March.
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