Tuesday, 28 February 2012 0 comments
Day 180 of 365

Tuesday 28/2/12

These past seven days couldn't have been any better.
On a musical note that is.
Last night, Ben Howard completely blue all contestants out of the water.
Best live gig I've been to ever.
Bar Beyonce but that's a completely different kettle of fish!

Anyway, I am going to keep it short and sweet and I'll hopefully have time to do a gig review over the next few days. Probably after my hand in on Thursday or else there's a chance I may actually fail my University course! 

In the meantime, I'll leave you with a teaser of photographs from last night.
I found myself treading on egg shells, as I arrived at the venue, I had my bag searched and my camera was fondled, bless him. The bouncer was flashing that damn torch straight on him, saying I was to hand it in to reception as there was no professional equipment allowed. Luckily, my knowledge of cameras meant I managed to fool the lady into believing my camera was a compact digital with a fixed lens.
Oh how wrong I was.
I felt a little superior as I walked in whilst watching a lot of people having to hand in their prized possessions.
Everything went swimmingly that was 'til I got very close to the stage and realised I wasn't supposed to have this camera, as I was flashing away, the bouncer caught my eye and for the duration of the gig I felt like I was being watched. I managed to sneak a lot of photos in between people, practically leaning my lens on peoples shoulders. It worked, I hope you enjoy.

Seems fitting that I should give you an insight into last night...
'Cos it was bloody brilliant.

Support act from the wonderful - Daughter
With a voice like that, I predict a bright future. Very reminiscent of Florence & The Machine

For the rest of the photos you can see my set here... 

PS. This video was taken from youtube - not recording from the gig last night.



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