Sunday, 20 November 2011 0 comments
Day 72 of 365

Friday 11/11/11

Good evening, how are you?
Wow, check out the date, that's pretty cool huh>
So it's Friday and today we had a very early start. It's our last night before we head back to Leeds so we're off out tonight, again. I am pretty warn out, I must admit!!
Feeling like an old granny, wanting to stay in and play card games in the hostel! Seems quite a few of us are feeling this way but after introducing some wine into the card games, before long we were off out. 

Today we travelled to Munich to BMW world and the Olympic Park. I was really excited for this following our trip to the Mercedes and Porsche museums yesterday! Gosh it was chilly, at one point I think it snowed a little, given only a few minutes but it was real cold. 

BMW World was cool, it was a showroom full of beautiful cars! Of course, I expected nothing less from BMW! There were loads of cool interactive exhibits and games for us to play on! For a split second a few of the guys had a Hangover esque moment flash through their heads. They were 21, they held a full drivers license, did they have $60 euro? If so, they could, by law test drive one of these cars, I am glad no one decided too, I would have feared the worst!! 

The inside of the BMW World forms a sort of race track, the cars are driven around, revving their engines for all to admire. Next door there is an interconnecting structure, a dynamic semi-transparent, glass and steel structure which features a wavy roof ending in a twisting cone form. 

Before we visited this museum we were handed a booklet of our itinerary by our tutor. Bare in mind, they are all males. Inside it read the following about the above space. 

'Clients arriving at the main showroom to pick up their new cars are handed frothy cappucinos and led into a small booth where they can try out the car's special driving features by computer simulation. They then proceed down a grand staircase to a platform lined with BMW cars. A young woman sprints over to snap a picture'. 
These 'young women' looked like air hostesses from prestigious Emirates, all immaculately dressed, I wonder what their commission is like?!!!

Anyway, the Olympic Stadium was also, really interesting, a great place to visit and cheap too! At the time, unfortunately we weren't granted access to many of the buildings however as there was an Ice Hockey Game, reminded me of Canada, ahh my favourite place.

Anyway, so tonight we went out. This time we weren't sure where we would end up so we traipsed around, bar to bar, trying to find somewhere that would allow 40 typically English students.
Unfortunately Stuttgart on a Saturday night is a pretty overwhelming place. Much like the streets of England, booze fuelled men staggering, couples kissing on the corner and men picking women up ogling at the nearest woman.

It also seems, past ten pm there are no speeding regulations on the streets, there were many drag races, it was pretty cool but equally as scary. 

Anyway, bonus, I found 5euro on the floor and met a German lady, lovely she was, before heading home with a few friends as we had an early start the next morning, by the time we got home, it was nearly time to get up again, an hour or so sleep. I am tired.


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