Saturday, 26 November 2011 0 comments
Day 76 of 365

Tuesday 15/11/11
Why oh why am I always late, well I correct, instead of I, 'we'.
A little late for our lecture today but I guess we didn't miss much, after all, attempting to stand straight on a packed bus is much more entertaining, sliding about, grabbing for the closest hand rail.
Unfortunately it was a case of not missing much, it was a pretty boring lecture. I usually enjoy technology lectures but there is only so much info on concrete that will absorb into that little brain of mine. Luckily, I found some space inside that little head and bang. I couldn't stop, sketches flowing, coffee by my side and a distant, droning voice in the background. I closed the book and put my pen by my side feeling like I had acheived. Little did the tutor know I was full of ideas for my project, not concrete. Procrastinating of a good sort at least, for once!
Seems it paid off though, an hour or so later, the same tutor in my design tutorial was going on about how wonderful these sketches were. Ah yeeaaa. I love it when I get reocgnised for something, however little or small, it takes the pressure off just that little bit.
So tonight we decided a food shop was much needed, we got about 50m down the road and wondered had we made a fatal mistake. It was rushour and city traffic here in Leeds is not pleasant at the best of times, especially not now. We drove a little more, about 5 minutes drive until we realised what seemed like a great idea half an hour ago, now seemed like the worst idea possible. We quickly made a u-turn and it was back to the house we went, stopping off for some much needed sweets and stocking up on coffee and chocolate.
Yeah, i hear you. I really, really need to diet. Having all this work and staying up all night is really playing on not only my mind but my body too. My bodyclock is all over the place, as our my eating times, not to mention the overload of junk food.
I need fruit, water and veg.
Instead I got fish and chips.
*roll eyes, slap head against desk repeatedly, doh.
Ooh something exciting happened today, I won tickets for Radio1 in Manchester, I am taking my lovely friend Anna, rather excited :)
In the meantime, I hope your Tuesday is going well, hey tomorrow we're half way through another week, time is flying.


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