Saturday, 26 November 2011 0 comments
Day 79  of 365

Friday 18/11/11
Why oh why did I wake up at five to seven. Why, when I know I have stuff to do, do I constantly set my snooze and wake up hours late, yet when I have a lazy day ahead of me my bodyclock insists on awaking me at this ungodly hour.
Rant over, yes - tired maybe an understatement. Not much sleep given I didn't get any the night before. Thank god for my black out blind, after getting a glass of water I headed back to bed and slept for a couple more hours, felt kinda bad since mystery boy was wide awake, subject to my 'snooring'. Oh no, do I really...
Lazy day chatting and lying in bed, perfection.
By midday however we decided we better surface and headed into town where I met up with an old friend who was visiting for the day. It was so lovely to see him and catch up.  With comic relief children in need just around the corner here in England, town was crazy, full of buskers, singers, hoola hoopists, rugby players trying their luck at singing, badly and a scuba diver dressed in a wet suit carrying a gas tank. Oh Leeds.
So tonight I am going to chill some more, put work to the back of my mind for once and try scramble around for it tomorrow.
For anyone who's not down with the cool kids, ahem.
Thank god it's Friday!


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