Friday, 3 February 2012 0 comments
Day 144 of 365

Sunday 22/1/12

I haven't blogged for 5 days and even then, it was just to say hi, I am alive.
So here I am, the elusive blogger.
I must apologise profusely. 

How are we all? 
Today I have mainly been at the library staring at an ever familiar screen.
Eyes getting blurry.
Thankfully my friend came and saved my sanity, only slightly.
Highlight of the day was a midnight dash to Tesco.
Quite literally, closing time was in a matter of minutes so we sprinted through the library like no mans business, very nearly hurdling over the turnstiles. You'll be pleased to know we did infact make it, just.
Stocked up with plenty of goodies and the night is still young.

I have decided to blog a music video everyday. 
I would like to say it sums up my day, however, I figure that may not be the greatest idea I've ever had since it may turn into a blog full of long, dreary, boring songs.

So... today I thought I would share this little beaut with you, I am absolutely loving this tune at the moment. Although it makes me wish I could dance around like nobody's watching and sing into my hairbrush... maybe you can.

Again, I fear the security guards of the library may question my sanity.

They wouldn't be the only ones... 

Here goes.
Day 1 - Ray Charles - Chiddy Bang 

Bloody fantastic.


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