Sunday, 8 April 2012 0 comments
Day 219 of 365

Saturday 7th April

Good afternoon.
Home sweet home.
Just arrived back on home turf and I'm already back in the car, on my way out again. 
This time, to get my car taxed.
I can't bladdy wait 'til I get to drive again. I last drove in November, there's just no time or places to go really when I have it in Leeds so I tend to insure it for just six months at a time. Boring chat sorry. 
Anyway, tonight I am working.

My first wedding this year, I think. Maybe?
Unsure, i have a memory like a sieve when it comes to work. 
Isn't it a weird ole thing your memory, well mine is for sure.
I can't remember when I last worked yet I can remember things like they were yesterday, when I was a young child. Like, even from the age of about 6, memories clear as day. 

One of the funniest/weirdest things for me to remember was this one time, my brother was fairly young, like still in a crib/cot I think. He was ill and getting all the attention, being the youngest child and all that.
I got myself a little jealous and next thing I know, at the ripe old age of 6 years old, there i am, forcing my podgy little fingers down my throat, attempting to gain any form of attention. It worked. I got the day off school. Probably my first day off. Ever.

Another time, I remember hiding behind a couch as I ran around naked at my grandparents house. Infact, this was the day my younger brother was born. I remember it clear as day. I was scooped up, pyjamas and favourite 'blanky' in tow and there I was, tossed to my grandparents in a mid crisis/panic/rush. 

My brother was on his way, this thing I'd been watching grow over the past 9 months. My only child days were over. I ran around naked, maybe in some sort of protest. My Grandad screamed, laughing he told me to get some clothes on. So I teased him so he couldn't catch me, peering from behind the sofa. My Grandma just smiled.
God I miss her, everyday.

Memories. Sweet memories. Have you got any funny/bizarre ones? 
Oh yeah. Another funny one quickly. They just keep flooding back. 
Remember the days when a Tamagotchi was your best friend?
Well, I really wanted one. My aunty had one and i thought it was the coolest thing.
My Aunty, being the wonderful caring person she is, in her twenties, had a Tamagotchi and lent it to me. Unfortunately I was not so caring and dropped it down the toilet. Flushed it and then cried for hours. Had I fed it, would it survive, how would I tell my Aunty. All the important life questions you find yourself flash before your eyes at the mere age of 6/7. 
I then had my Dad, pull up the drain covers and everything, looking for this damn thing.
I cannot quite remember if we found it. I don't think we did. 
I can't remember how I told my Aunty, how I broke the news. However, if you happen to be reading this. I am forever sorry! 

Ahh childhood days. I wish I had the worries of a 6 year old right now.
Life would be a breeze.
Anyway , enough of that jibber jabber. You may hate me for doing so right now but something sorta extraordinary happened. THIS made it to UK number one today. Such a guilty pleasure, yes it pains me to say it but boy i just can't get it out of my head. I hope you're all enjoying your Easter weekend! 
Off to work I go!
Let's hope I at least remember the bride and grooms name!


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