Wednesday, 18 April 2012 0 comments

Day 230 of 365

Wednesday 18th April

Good morning. I am getting pretty into this.
Since Monday, 6.30am has been my wake up call. That means I already feel like I've achieved a lot before my housemates have surfaced. A sense of smug. 
My body needs some sort of sense. I need to get cracking with the routine. Infact tomorrow, I vow to make the library my second home. 

I'm going to keep this post very short and sweet as I have a portfolio run through tomorrow and the work is making my eyes go gozzy. Infact, what better way than to leave you with some of my favourite images. With thanks to the ever trusty Pinterest. Ravishing retro, what else. Get Mungo Jerry - Summer Time blasting and you'll be in a happy happy place. I hope you enjoy.


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