Sunday, 1 April 2012 0 comments
Day 211 of 365

Friday 30th March

How art thou? 
Today has been a pretty good day. 
Oh well actually.
I had a mad rush to get to catch my ride home.
I counted pennies as I couldn't find my credit card and I got left at the station. 
Other than that, it's been okay.
I'm finally home.
Yes, that's right. My very own parents forgot to collect me from the station.
Leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere with a huge suitcase, wedged between two of the most adorable oldest ladies may I add. That was cute, I liked watching them as they waited for their connection, an hour early! Don't old people always leave for everything way earlier than needed?

My Grandad does just this.
If I say we need to leave at ten to for me to get to work on time, come half past he will be pacing the corridor, looking down at his watch and shuffling his keys.
Talk about pressure.
I however, on the other hand, I am always one for the rush. 
I have got better, with age, much like a good wine. 
Well, I'd like to think I've improved.

The worst was a couple of years back. I admit, I was the worst.
Juggling between three jobs, living at home and trying to maintain a social life.
Next to impossible but hey. 
i made it. 

Anyway, tomorrow we're off to Cornwall.
I cannot bloody wait to relax.
In the meantime, I thought I'd let you see what I've been doing all night.
Procrastinating. Of course. 
I stumbled across something I absolutely love. I love collecting them. Vintage posters. Especially the tin sorta ones. Do you collect anything? Why not let me know, I'd love to hear 


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