Thursday, 19 April 2012 0 comments

Day 231 of 365

Thursday 19th April

So today is the day. I had very little sleep, a mere few hours last night.
Today was time to present and get some feedback and attempt at getting myself into some sort of routine. Infact, having printed and presented already, I found myself sat in the quiet floor of the library, gazing out of the window, rain lashing down. I hate this place. 

Luckily, my friend came and saved me and we headed into town for some dinner before settling down to some work. I have a feeling...that tonight's going to be an awful long night. I feel happier that I am in the library though, a somewhat sense of achievement. Also, the review went better than expected today. I still have a lot to do but I am glad I don't have to make any drastic changes. Even so, it'll take being in here all week, with very little sleep and just time to break for food and showering. 
Urgh. I can't wait for Saturday. I need to go out and regain my sanity. 

This week seems to have flown by, I can't believe I have been in Leeds nearly a week already. 
So have you got many plans for the weekend? I sure hope it's not as dull as mine!
Hey, it's the London Marathon on Sunday, I sorta forgot. Good luck to anyone running that. I have to do it sometime in my life. I would love to experience something like that. I guess I will have to start running more than a measly 4 miler. Sigh.
Not in this weather I am not going to. 
Summer, beach bod. Let's do it.
Who's with me?
I am starting to go a little stir crazy, this room is like a sauna with little workers typing away, mouses clicking by the minute. Now I feel sort of guilty for doing something unrelated to Architecture. On that note, see yuh. 


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