Day 32 of 265
Good evening all. Hope all is well.
Today has been a good day. Not an awful lot to report on but I shall try my best not to bore you.
I really need to vamp up the excitement in order to keep you all entertained!
So, this morning I watched one of my fav rom coms cuddled on the sofa with mum, you are never too old for that, i assure you. The rain was strumming down on the lanterns and it felt all wintery, quite a contrast to yesterdays sunshine but hey, I guess we're in October after all.
It was then my turn to visit the Grandparents, I had bought my Nanny some of her favourite chocolates, Hersheys - unfortunately she wasn't in so I left them and a little note on top of her postbox. In fact I must remember to call her and ask if she got them! Hoping her next door neighbour fancy them! Ooh I can imagine the temptation!
It was then back up to Leeds. Luckily my lovely parents drove me so I just got to chill in the backseat for once which was kinda nice. After a nice little pit stop we were back on the road, fuelled up with Krispy Kreme and coffee, you guys must think I am being so bad this week, truth is I am. I really need to start dieting, urgh that dreaded word.
Having lost my student card it means I can't go to the gym, I hate it! It's killing me!
Anyway, I have my first Monday of Uni tomorrow, urgh 9am start will not go down well I don't think! It's weird, like I said the other day - we're studying insects so I am currently scribbling a 'lily beetle' urgh that word. It makes my skin crawl, creepy crawlies. I haven't drawn for about 3 years either so it could be interesting... Thought I would let you have a sneaky peak at the progress...
Architecture you say? Crazy Crazy - my new favourite saying, must be said in an italian accent, God only knows where it came from!
So, the second part to my really exciting busy week is that I am going Wakeboarding on Saturday, we're camping and having a BBQ and I am sure alcohol won't go a miss, however I do not condone this behaviour, *cough cough! I do make myself laugh!
In the meantime, I feel this is turning into a pretty impressive fail.
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