Day 54 of 365
Good evening.
Wow. I figure I am seriously lagging on the photography on this. Fear not, I will be sure to take lots and lots of weird and wonderful snaps shortly. I am going on a weeks holiday in a few weeks and I cannot bloody wait. I need to relax.
I feel like since I got back to Uni I have been on a long travellator, unable to get off. I need to chill. Hopefully I am going wakeboarding on Friday, I have missed it. Maybe this time I can master a corner, highly doubtful.
So how are you lovely lot on this fine (not so) Monday evening.
Guess what.
Today, I heard the first Christmas song on the radio, infact, Michael Buble has released a Christmas album.
Now, I love christmas as I am sure, regular readers will remember. However, October 24th, really? Maybe a step too far. Just slightly. I did find myself singing and smiling with a grin from ear to ear for a moment of bliss - all of 3 minutes that is. That was until it all came crashing down and I quickly realised we have quite some way to go yet.
Come to think of it, we have ages to go. I am going to Germany and London before Christmas. I have a wedding to go also. Very excited. It's a first for me - well kinda. It will be the first of a friends wedding - usually they're family.
Working on so many weddings it will be nice to sit back and enjoy the special day.
Anyway, I have a lot a lot of work to be doing but right now I am so tired, my eyes are beginning to close. I must go.
In the meantime, remember Elsie whose single I reviewed last week or so, well she read it and gave me some praise on her website earlier today.
Thanks LC.
And, while I am there, thanks to anyone and everyone who reads this jibber jabber. I continue to be amazed, I treat it as I am talking to myself, a diary, I don't expect anyone to be reading, so hello - is anyone out there!!
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