Day 56 of 365
Well hello there, apologies. I failed once more by forgetting to blog last night/yesterday.
So, here I am, struggling to remember what I got up to. Hmm...
Ah yes, went into Uni all day again - this full time student malarky is started to taking its toll. Sanity is being questioned.
Oh yeah, that's what happened.
You know when you get the giggles and can't stop, I am the worlds worst person for this. I feel the need to have a good chuckle once a day at least and some days it has to be said once I start, I can't stop.
So today, was no exception - turning a very ordinary bus journey home a very extraordinary one at that.
The bus was packed, rush hour and all. We get on and have to stand in the disabled bit, there are two ladies sat down. One of whom I am stood next to. I hear a high pitched humming and look to the side to see this woman having a right old ball.
Given, I thought she was a little strange, once a seat opposite became available I was quick to switch seats. My housemate moved into where I was standing so I figured I would text her 'choo choo chaffinch' for anyone who listens to Radio1 you will know exactly what I am on about, if you don't have a look...
What happened next can only be described as hilarious.
My housemate took a quick phone call, as soon as she came off the phone this lady asked 101 questions. It was like quick fire. Without allowing time to think, they were flowing out like no mans business. The whole bus was in stitches as my housemate tried so hard to answer questions under pressure!
An example -
What were you doing at 7.30 - why were you up, where do you live, who with, how many bedrooms, where's your bathroom, who's on first floor, how many bedrooms on second floor, what carpet have you got, do you know how to fix a budgies tail.
Yes, I figure you're probably as confused as I was.
There is never a dull moment. You learn something new everyday, without people like this in the world, wouldn't everyday chores like getting the bus be so boring....
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