Day 55 of 365
Good evening.
Wow today has been a very, very slow day.
My, it seems winter has come overnight too, well then we had rain, thunder and lightening.
So, how are you wonderful people?
I am very tired.
Hello fourth coffee of the night, nice to see you.
I am sure I am putting on a lot of weight as a result of all this caffeine consumption? What do you think? Does it pile on the pounds, that's my excuse anyway, that and the fact the weather has been too poor to exercise ;)
I am currently in the midst of creating my very first book, I have to present it on Thursday. It's a cute little square 21x21cm and in it, my site analysis.
It's a group project but I volunteered to do the book thinking it would be a quick thing. How wrong I was, it's 12 midnight and I have been doing this all day.
I found out something which kinda sucks today. My tutor is leaving after Christmas to pursue a new career path down in London. I am pretty damn gutted since he's really good and super clever! Always seems to have loads of funky ideas - I really hope I don't fall behind after Christmas.
So, I had a tutorial today, got some good ideas.
Hand-in on Thursday and as a group and individuals, we got so much work! Ow.
No sleep for two days maybe the answer, but still I don't think I'll finish in time. Get me to Germany now, these 2 weeks couldn't go any quicker!
I will post a link to my final book for anyone who's interested!
In the meantime, no time for blogging - I really gotta finish this book!
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