Day 60 of 365
Well good evening, I am writing this from my bed so I'm going to make it short.
How are you lovely lot.
Today has been a hangover day even though I felt good.
I think the early night and the fact I laid in bed for 7 hours wide awake has something to do with the fact that a couple of hours later when I did finally rise, I felt good.
I like not having a hangover when everyone else does.
It does however mean I fall into the routine of slobbish hungover student.
So today I haven't moved from the sofa. Well, apart from going to get some lunch at that chicken restaurant we all love. Yes, apart from that I have laid on the sofa, attempting work.
I did however finish my group work.
I put it all together, if anyone is interested they can have a look here...
In the meantime,
I am going to see KATY PERRY tomorrow night.
Yes, I know it's pretty last minute.
I will have a rather more exciting blog post tomorrow I am sure.
Until then,
(anyone else remember that - Winnie the Pooh)
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