Day 36 of 365
Hello, hello, hello.
You will be pleased to know, the presentation was a disaster. A full blown bloody disaster. Not only did half of the powerpoint slides not show up but it caught me off guard and I soon turned into a stuttering mess with twenty seconds to spit out anything I could remember. Unfortunately with a mind blank they seemed like the fastest twenty seconds ever. Eventually, running behind schedule, after watching everybody elses presentations it was our turn again, we had to fix the slides (technology hey- correction - Windows technology). Once a Mac, you never go back. Well, I kinda contradicted myself there as I have a windows and a mac, greedy.
On that note, RIP Steve Jobs, genious.
Luckily, this time round I managed to find my words a little and was not too much of a quivering wreck. I have never been that nervous before, I guess it's having this long Summer break without work, not used to having to stand up in front of 40 strangers and tell them all about a chuffing bug. Yes, I know - I thought I was doing architecture too. My brief this week is films and phenomena. Fire, Wind and 'Alien vs Predator'. I guess it's an excuse for a movie night, pizzas, popcorn and not much note taking I hope is the case.
In other news, what on earth is the weather doing. It just doesn't know what to do with itself today here in Yorkshire. Hot, cold, rainy, hurricane winds, I looked out of the student union window whilst having lunch and there were takeaway boxes flying everywhere - typical students.
Whilst I'm talking about students, just found out about something pretty tragic going on at home right now so I hope and pray for all involved that they make a speedy recovery.
So, it's a matter of hours before that oh so wonderful Friday feeling. I definitely had the premature friday feeling I was going on about yesterday. I got the bus home in the pouring rain which resulted in my housemate and I running like old women clutching our bags and scarves around our heads. Oh England how I love you. Yeah, so that was about 6, after a long day at Uni and surviving off a mere three hours sleep I was thankful to my black out blind once again, the boy (blind) did good.
Off I popped, off to the land of sweet dreams, I did however wake up a few hours ago confused thinking it was Friday already! So... Saturday I am off Wakeboarding. I guess I ought to say now there is not a chance I will be able to blog whilst there. Apparently I am in the middle of a field, fairly near a lake. I will no doubt have been 'initiated' for joining a new sports team so I think the point I'm trying to make is it's a good job I have no internet access or else I may be swayed to 'drunk blog'. Something I can assure you I would regret the following morning upon reading the jibber jabber. Come to think of it, I'm sure it would be an improvement to the pointless, boring blog updates of present. Sorry for that, I'm getting boring in my old age.
I will however be sure to fill you in on all the gossip eg. the numerous face plants and images of my body submerged under the water. Nice.
Why did I sign up to this again! I am sure it will be fun, given a little cold, freezing.
In the meantime, I hope everyone's well and you have an exciting weekend ahead.
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