Day 35 of 365
Good evening, hello - how are we all, hope you're well. For some weird reason the accents are becoming more and more irritating on my behalf... Not only have I began to say 'Crazy Crazy' in an Italian accent, today - I have resorted to speaking spanish on the phone, much confusion as you can imagine. I can only blame this on being delirious, after being in the library for nearly a week straight, staring at the computer screen for 12+ hours every day, quite evidently is taking its toll.
Isn't it strange, no matter how much work I have - I always seem to find time to blog.
Well unfortunately today has been one of my least interesting days therefore I will not bore you by mindlessly blabbering on.
Maybe I will just leave you with this, as I make another strong coffee, presentation tomorrow! Wish me luck,
I'm not sure I ever mentioned but my favourite artist of all time is Ellie Goulding.
Guess what, it's nearly the weekend. Premature friday feelin' tomorrow better go quick, it better fly by and my presentation best go smooth.
We can only hope!
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