Day 31 of 365
White rabbits! Well good day to you all, the sunshine has once more been out to play, the hottest day of October ever recorded or something! You learn something new everyday hey! Today is officially a month of daily blogging, I hope you have enjoyed the journey so far!
So, hope everyone is making the most of the sunshine. Seems everyone 'round here is, I went to pick up some groceries before and the place was like a mob scene, of course all the salads and BBQ's were sold out. The one thing I really hate about England when the sun peeps its head through those clouds is when men think it's perfectly acceptable to ditch their shirts. I mean come on, okay okay I am the first to admit I like to stare at a sculpted body but it's rare this is the kind of physique these men are sporting. Forgive me if I am wrong but since when did it become acceptable for women to prance around with gaping stomachs?
Whilst I'm on this little rant, what's more annoying is when girls or women for that matter decide it's the latest fashion trend to go out wearing see through legins as trousers with visible panties, usually granny knickers at best! There are few people who can pull of this look, I most certainly cannot, neither it appears could the plump elder woman who i had the pleasure of walking behind in the supermarket today. So, it was my turn to cook dinner but Dad came with me shopping, of course his credit card didn't go a miss, pity I was restricted to food only! I love dad, whilst walking behind people we both stop and whisper, 'that's not a good look'. I promise were nice people really!
Not a lot has been going down today or so to speak I haven't exactly moved an awful lot, guilty as charged, I woke fairly early, scraped back my hair and lazed in my pyjamas until early afternoon. I am ashamed to admit this but really, I was shattered! So much so that I am currently relaxing in a not so warm bath right now. One thing I really don't care for when I come home, we have an emersion which means whenever I want to get a bath or shower there is no water. Cold showers are not so great, neither as I learn ever so often are luke warm baths.
I keep nodding off in the bath then jolting, scaring the hell outta myself and wondering where on earth I am, for a few seconds at least! Change of scene - I have started reading a pretty interesting book as part of my uni assignment, it's called six degrees and focuses on climate change, I think it's safe to say these past few days have been a result of global warming, for that I give thanks, for the time being anyway. Not quite sure how I would feel if we were to experience flash floods and hurricanes anytime soon!
So I guess I should stay wise and quit my jibber jabber, for tonight at least! In other news, today Liz Hurley got engaged, I guess congratulations are in order! Back to Leeds tomorrow. One last thing, I seem to remember telling you about my busy week ahead but failed to let you in on any secrets, well here's the moment you've all been waiting for. On tuesday my dear friend Sophie is taking me to see none other than Michael McIntyre, an intimate gig, practicing of new material I am told! For that, I can barely contain my excitement! In the meantime bed is calling.
Night y'all
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