Wednesday, 14 September 2011 0 comments
Day 13 of 365

So I think I may have mentioned earlier but basically I have had an idea. I want to build a computer, so yesterday I ordered two monitors as I want to run a split screen. Don’t you just hate waiting for a parcel delivery, I mean you pay for next day delivery but end up having to wait like a little kid, excitement gets the better of me everytime. Then when the parcel arrived I ran down the hallway like it was Christmas. Much to my dismay, it wasn’t a case of plugging them in and hey presto you got yourself a new computer, don’t be silly. Things don’t play like that in my life. 

Without going all techno on you guys, ‘cos it bores me so I’m sure it’ll bore you, basically the whole thing wasn’t compatible. Mum came home and I managed to pursuade her to come shopping. Exciting I hear you say, not so when it’s shopping for cables and video input leads hey? So the whole day was destined for failure. Firstly, I lost my blog so I felt like screaming from the rooftops, secondly I pulled up to the barrier of the car park and have to get out of my car ‘cos my windows broken on the drivers side.

 I press the little green button and in return a ticket is produced, quickly snatched by the wind, never to be seen again. Or so I thought, I jumped in the car exclaiming I’ve lost the ticket, glanced in the rear view mirror and saw a ghastly woman staring blankly at me, I was under pressure, the barrier was on a timer and I knew if I didn’t’ move the ticket would soon be least of my worries, I’d have been crushed by a barrier to the roof of my beloved Pedro (aka the car). 

So anyway, I get in the car and drive off real fast, leaving Mum searching for the ticket on the floor. When I finally found a car park space and after an exchange of childish taunts from one another I found myself alone in the car. Next thing I know the window is completely down, the mechanism is gone and then I’m straddling the car door desperately trying to push the glass up. As I’m sure this is pretty hard to imagine I will just say one thing, don’t try this at home, before I know it tears are rolling down my face, I felt like a little kid, crybaby. By now, Mum was probabally trying on some new clothes in Topshop, meanwhile I’ve having a mare a few hundred yards away. So anyway, then my blackberry flashes the dreaded message no one wants to see, battery too low for radio use. 

There goes my hopes of calling Mum for help. I figure she’ll have to get the bus home but slight problem, I’m kinda stuck in this carpark. To get out I need to pay but to pay I have to go into the shopping plaza, I have a brand new computer and sat nav in front seat with no window, in a not so nice part of the world it’s risky business. By some kind of miracle my phone allows me one call, that’s to Mum to tell her to come save me, that’s after I say sorry of course. Surely nothing else could go wrong by now, we managed to get the window up and were glancing about the shops. Finding no such luck with the cables it calls for a trip down the road to a PC World. I ask the guy in there for help and it seems it goes straight over his head as he calls for a colleague to see if he can help me. 

So now there’s the four of us, they’re looking at me like I’m crazy, my Mum has no idea what I’m on about but surely they should? Well luckily one did but to make sure I showed him out to the car and asked him to take a look and check I was taking the right cable home. Wow, then I did something truly ridiculous. I subconsciously locked my keys, yes my only  set of keys and my purse in the boot, thank fcuk for my broken window, yes I broke into my own car with the geeky assistant looking on asking if I really did just do that, yes, yes I did.
I got home and what do you know the computer still doesn’t freaking work, ah well. I guess I’ll get there sometime, soon hopefully.

In other news, hope your day wasn’t as stressful as mine, at this present moment however I’m laid on the couch watching tele and the most pointless, irritating advert comes on. HARIBO, has anyone else seen it. Good god, what is the world coming to, especially when I find myself singing along to the tune, subconsciously knowing every single word. I don’t watch much tele, I promise.

Did I really just google this awful advert, yes I did and I found a gem of a review. “Woah mama, what is this? Is it actually an advert? Or is it a stream of consciousness from a fevered ad exec, tongue lolling hideously from mouth, sweating and shivering in his soaked sheets, fretting about being unable to fulfil the Haribo creative brief? It’s like it was vomited forth from someone’s subconscious. "Umm, dancing family... eating sweets, chewy... er.... there's probably a dog in there somewhere..."
It gets better, I just have to quote – “And the lyrics, if you can call them that? They’re just a load of keywords from a creative brief arranged into some sort of vague structure aren’t they? Even so, there’s a bit of an ooh-err missus feel to them. Oh so smooth; love them soft; squdgy squidgy baby!”
If you haven’t had the delight here it is….

I think any variation of the term ‘subconciousness’ is definitely my most used word today, at least in this blog post, apologies.
Enough of my rambling for another night, in the meantime, I kinda never expected anyone I know to read these, I guess I didn’t really think anyone really would read them, defninitely not people I know but it appears they do. So as if by some sort of calling, here’s my shout outs...

To Stu the infamous stalker who I know will be secretly hoping I write something real nice about him here, sadly I can’t quite find the words!, Elena a long lost friend I hope to see again soon and Gina my trusty cinema companion of whom I have had some cringe worthy memories I can assure you.

Oh yeah and just before I go, I feel the need to mention my Mum said the following to me today, “Hannah, you need a boyfriend, you’re getting angry, you need some loving”. Mum’s hey, always know the best things to say. Love you Mum.

Getting late now, I betta dash, night x


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