Day 25 of 365
Wow I have actually managed to blog for nearly a month now, that's okay right? I wonder if I'll still be doing it every night before bed this time next year? The days are going kinda slow here but then I never really getta chance to blog until just before midnight.
So hope you've all had a great weekend - hope the weather's been good where you are. To tell the truth, haven't stepped out of the house today but my trusty skylight showed me some sun. Mum also called to tell me it was really sunny at home! Thanks for that.
Anyway, haven't done an awful lot today - wow this weekend must have been a boring read for you all, I'm sorry. Today though, we went downstairs to the bottom flat and cooked a mahoosive roast dinner, fit for a King - it was 'lush'. We then sat and stuffed our faces of chocolate and sweets whilst watching trashy telly - sounds like my kinda night!
So tomorrow, it is two of my bestest friends birthdays. It's Jonny - the friend I watched on the tele if you read the other days blog post and it's my bestest friend Sophie's whose house I went to yesterday. I doubt either of them are reading this but if they are... happy birthday as it's now midnight! This time last year then I was at a 21st, well tomorrow technically but yeah, as I say it's now midnight so I'm sort of right. It's Sophie's 21st tomorrow although she already had a birthday party last month which was great so I think we're off out again tomorrow night.
Last Monday if you remember me saying, we waited ages in a queue to then be rejected once we got near, tomorrow I am hoping we have a guestlist as I really canny be bothered with this freshers malarky any longer, sorry to say.
Anyway, enough of this chitter chatter, I am absolutely shattered and for once, a night before a hand in I am going to bed relatively early. Usually I get no sleep but I have tonight, finished everything way ahead of schedule. Clap on the back for me! Let's hope it's the beginning of a good year. I know, I know, it's nearly the end of the year - urgh scary, nearly October but I'm on student talk now and we start our term this Thursday!
Hope all is good in the hood. Did I really just say that.
Night night
Ps. We're on single figures to get to 400 viewers.
PPS. I wonder who the 400th viewer will be!
Anyway, haven't done an awful lot today - wow this weekend must have been a boring read for you all, I'm sorry. Today though, we went downstairs to the bottom flat and cooked a mahoosive roast dinner, fit for a King - it was 'lush'. We then sat and stuffed our faces of chocolate and sweets whilst watching trashy telly - sounds like my kinda night!
So tomorrow, it is two of my bestest friends birthdays. It's Jonny - the friend I watched on the tele if you read the other days blog post and it's my bestest friend Sophie's whose house I went to yesterday. I doubt either of them are reading this but if they are... happy birthday as it's now midnight! This time last year then I was at a 21st, well tomorrow technically but yeah, as I say it's now midnight so I'm sort of right. It's Sophie's 21st tomorrow although she already had a birthday party last month which was great so I think we're off out again tomorrow night.
Last Monday if you remember me saying, we waited ages in a queue to then be rejected once we got near, tomorrow I am hoping we have a guestlist as I really canny be bothered with this freshers malarky any longer, sorry to say.
Anyway, enough of this chitter chatter, I am absolutely shattered and for once, a night before a hand in I am going to bed relatively early. Usually I get no sleep but I have tonight, finished everything way ahead of schedule. Clap on the back for me! Let's hope it's the beginning of a good year. I know, I know, it's nearly the end of the year - urgh scary, nearly October but I'm on student talk now and we start our term this Thursday!
Hope all is good in the hood. Did I really just say that.
Night night
Ps. We're on single figures to get to 400 viewers.
PPS. I wonder who the 400th viewer will be!
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