Day 14 of 365
Ah crazy, it's been two weeks already. Admittedly I kinda suck at this blogging daily malarky, I will try and stick to it I promise. So good news, I managed to get my computer working, yeahhh baby. I now have 2 rather snazzy monitors connected up and all is working bar the internet but that's no biggie as I am moving house on Sunday.
Infact, today I went to see the new house. I 'girl raced' all the way there, pretending I was a better driver than I actually am. Got there, pit stop en route and what do you know, the heavens open - guess that's Yorkshire for you. Oh how I've missed the cold and rainy winter days.
Well, we're supposed to be in Autumn but you never know, seems we've missed most of our seasons this year so who knows what it may bring.
Anyway, like I said, picked up the keys for the new flat today. I last saw it about 8 months ago, couldn't really remember but I'm pretty pleased about it, actually looking forward to spending the next couple of months there. When I first got upstairs to my new room I looked around, seemed okay so I opened the skylight to let some air in - I've always wanted an attic bedroom with a skylight - there you go, can tick that one off the list!
We only have 2 floors in our flat but we have the top flat so I guess it's like an attic room right? So, it's an okay size, a lot smaller than my bedroom last year but that's only natural, last year we got spoilt, it was a massive room, sad times. But hey, on the plus side I have a nice set of drawers and an adequately sized wardrobe. Plus, I have a big big desk - a must.
I decided the room just didn't seem right so after prancing around the laminate flooring dragging furniture and sounding like I was having a party up there I finally got there, may have been a good few hours later mind you but hey, I did it. I also mopped, impressive huh? That's until I discovered the joys of renting, an old manky sock, could only be a mans.
Finally I've finished and just putting the final touches to make it a little more homely. I am moving in for good on Sunday so I'll make sure I show you the finished product. Pity I couldn't get a before shot. I did try but my battery ran outta my phone again, lately I'm becoming ever so friendly with that message, 'battery drained'. Ah gad.

(Some mood boards I put together for my new room in clear frames)
So what's everyone been up to? Hope your day has been good, it's Wednesday, officially half way. I like Wednesday's I've decided, nearly the weekend. On my way home I was listening to the ole wireless and got to listen in on a live session with an artist who goes by the name of Laura Marling. Admittedly I am first to admit that when she won the Brit over Ellie Goulding earlier this year I was not best pleased, I did however show great admiration to Laura whilst she accepted her award.
If you haven't seen it and are wondering what the hell I'm on about, here goes...
Best British Solo Female, not sure I quite agree but after hearing her live session tonight I can totally see it.
Basically the nominations were; Laura, Rumer, Cheryl Cole (ahem, definitely not, she's fit but that's about it, surely) anyway back to the nominees, Ellie (freaking) Goulding, Paloma Faith.
Wow was the reaction, clearly the host didn't expect her to win and quite clearly Laura herself didn't.
"Thankyou. My name's Laura and there you go Mum, that's for you and thankyou very much to everyone at Virgin and this is really weird".
I figure I'm rambling on, see what I did there, no, okay I guess I should try harder next time but hey, I'm making a habit of this late blogging malarky so I better get some sleep I'm shattered.
Just a quick one before I go though, Dad showed me something real cool tonight. He brought home his friends collection of old cameras. I know I'm getting a little bit geeky with all this but it's kinda cool, I think...
What do you think?
Night x
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