Wednesday, 7 September 2011 0 comments
Day 7 of 365

Wow that's insane. A week already, just goes to show how time is flying by lately. Anyone else here in the UK noticed how the nights have become considerably darker, am I the only one getting a sudden urge to cuddle up in my dads sweatshirt and make homemade soup and hot chocolate. You know what it'll be next, Christmas adverts and advent calendars. 
Infact I read on twitter today that M&S were selling mince pies already and there are advent calendars amongst aisles everywhere. Well, sod Halloween and Bonfire Night.

I get stupidly excited for Christmas and I must not talk about it now so stop.
I just have one thing to say. I'm a 20year old and I still wake up at 4am and check the stocking at the end of my bed is full, bless my parents they're still up 'til I fall asleep and wake up when I run upstairs and exclaim he's been, Dad usually resembles a scarecrow, hair everywhere and rubbing his eyes, come to think of it- we all do. Even so, does anyone elses Dad jump at the prospect of taking hideous photos at this ungodly hour?

So seems Summer's no longer. God it's weird. I've been home for 4 months but I've travelled a lot in that time. I've been to London, North Wales, Mallorca. London was for work. North Wales for a jolly holiday, a few actually and Mallorca too. However, Mallorca I managed to get myself on Radio1 everyday for a week reporting live each morning from my balcony and meeting lots of new people, typical me - embarrassing to say the least.

I did however get to meet Tim Westwood. LOL. Is all I can say. He gave me a couple of condoms and a kiss, not linked I must add.

So I'm working my first wedding of the week tomorrow, let's hope the weather holds up. I also have a confession to make, I may not be able to blog on Saturday as I have a 17hour killer shift with no breaks scheduled and I will probably be tearing my hair out as it's the first wedding I'll be fully in charge of. The prospect scares the hell outta me. Come Sunday I shall tell you if I'm still working there! Worried I may get the sack. Hey ho. In the words of Noah and the Whale. L-I-F-E-G-O-E-S-O-N
That was considerably harder than expected!

So today I have been doing dreaded portfolio again, it's coming along though you'll be pleased to know and looking okay if I may say so myself. I went to pick the kiddies up from school and was entertainer for a good few hours before they crashed on the couch.

Not my kiddies I must add. I babysit every so often- another little job I have. I do it for the fun of it though, family friend and all that. Plus the fact they're super cute. However, toilet duties are not too fun when it's a 4 yr old and a 3 yr old I may add.

Irrespective, they went home with smiles on their faces whilst I on the other hand felt like collapsing due to exhaustion. God help me when I have kids of my own. In other news, I saw something pretty cool on the tinternet today... I shall share with you. Apologies if it bores you. 

Something a little different, don't usually do this and post links for people but here goes. See what you think.

I also never post a photo that's not mine however, I will do just that... 

Pretty cool huh? If you can't be bothered clicking the link - Phase One of the world's first commercial spaceport, which will be the hub for Virgin's consumer spaceflights is now 90% complete.

When I get rich. Whether it be marry rich or making a few bob myself. Maybe just one day I'll see something cool like that.

In the meantime, I'll be off. 
Night ya'll x


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