Day 2 of 365
So today, the second day of the daily blogging - it's delightful and sunny again, wahooo!
Summer is returning, bit late mind but hey - I'm not complaining, they sunsets are something else lately, pity every night I've been busy so can't make it with my camera, sucks.
Anyway, what have I been doing today - absolutely bloody nothing. Basically I did a night shift last night and that always leaves my bodyclock all over the place, hence waking around 11.30, which for me is unheard of unless I'm working. I prefer to wake up around 8 or 9am, throw a coffee down and I'm good to go.
Every nights sleep I cherish at present, soon, very soon it will all be a distant memory - sleep that is. Architecture degree - home of the sleep deprived.
So Uni starts again in a matter of weeks, I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends but really not looking forward to dissertation, mounds of work and as previously mentioned endless sleepless nights.
Ah well, more to do with today. So I bet you're wondering what I do as a job while I'm on my Summer break hey? Well I work at a beautiful place if I may say so myself -
I share my time between the office and the event staff, I much prefer the event side of things, tis not a bad job, get to watch a load of bands and laugh at the drunks dancing.
Joking, I'd like to think I do a bit more than that. So here's a few pics anyway...

So I did an internship this Summer in London and everywhere I looked, men, women all over the tube were reading 'One Day'. A couple of weeks ago whilst on holiday I decided to order it and read it within 3 days, I could not put it down so I'm now back from holiday and tonight I am off to see it - been told to take tissues so I will report back tomorrow.
In the meantime, have a good night ya'll.
Peace x
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