Day 151 of 365
Sunday 29/1/12
Why hello there.
This morning I was the first in the library yet again.
If that's not telling me something...
Anyway, it's the last day before hand in so I must get my head down and my geeky head screwed right on.
Well infact, I did just that. Within two hours and I have only gone and finished, hell to the yeah.
Well, I say finished. I've finished the important part. Well, the text.
Debatably an equally important and time consuming part is of course attempting to format/bind the book.
I turned to trusty pinterest and found some little gems, I only wish I had more time, or knew someone who was a wiz at Japanese stab binding. Unfortunately I have neither.
Right, so thankfully my trusty likeminded students were on hand to keep me company. I think we've taken over a little corner of the silent floor of our library. We seem to be the only clinically insane people here, late on a Sunday night.
Somehow, although I finished a long time ago, it's now nearing closer and closer to midnight and I am still here, why. Finally, I managed to print two copies, they look so pretty. I just have the small matter of binding these two. That makes everything worse, I have to make two copies. Who does that.
Anyway after all this, I figure I may call it a night.
Tomorrow will be another early start, binding and cutting and sticking. The joys of an Architecture student.
I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend.
Must think musically...
So, lately I have been re-obsessing over the Arctic Monkeys, truth is I'll always love their music.
Lately, I have heard this song quite frequently grace our radio waves and with each listen I love it more and more.
So here goes, I figure it's quite fitting for the mood of late.
Does it help you stay up late
Does it help you concentrate
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