Monday, 27 February 2012 0 comments
Day 175 of 365

Thursday 23/2/12

Why hello there.
I hope you enjoyed yesterdays post about the wonderful Staves, I'm getting quite into this blogging reveiws malarky. I hope you don't mind.

Seems a lot of you like it however as the hits today have hit the roof, amazing.
Many thanks, I continue to be amazed that anybody actually reads this, including the Staves themselves who thanked me for the review! My job here is done!

Anyway, enough about that. Today is a new day. A pretty good one at that. Well, as much as can be expected from a full day of University. Good job I had a lecture in between to break it up a little. I even got to watch a few film trailors. Yes, we did think we were attending a Product Design Lecture, you know those InsideOut things I talked about already. Well, how wrong we were.
It was only Production Design. Stage set and all. Well, to be quite frank, I found it rather interesting.
Given, a little mundane at times, since we are Architecture students and not set designers however, there are some wonderful things to be explored. Including the amazing work of Mr. Tim Walker and Shona Heath- set designer.
I blogged about their work previously I am sure. 
Well, let me remind you. Or for any newbies, hello, welcome - Today I am going to share the wonderful world of stage design through the lens. Enjoy.
I just wish the following were my own images!

Amazing huh?
So anyway, apart from Uni, coffee, Mamma Mia whilst learning about set design and umh... setting up a new blog not a lot has happened.
Worry not. The new blog is just for part of my course. It's an online journal of work showing my progression through the course, a requirement for something called a PDP. I won't bore you with that any further.

And of course, to end on a sweet note.
Music for today is... well I feel I ought to share Sunday Girl. I figure I've already blogged quite a lot about her work but, I know she is a huge fan of Tim Walker and Shona Heath and truth be told, I actually found out more about them through her blog. 
So, here goes. Taking it back to the very first single I ever heard, with a beautiful set may I add.
Sunday Girl - Stop Hey



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