Day 153 of 365
Tuesday 31/1/12
Why do I do this to myself.
I paid to get into the club. I was having a great night, I got into the club, saw him.
Got a little emotional and five minutes later I left, alone, got a taxi home before midnight.
What is happening to me?
Old age, surely not.
Why oh why.
Oh well.
So other than that, it was a good night.
I had fun, maybe I should just come home when everyone goes to the club.
In other news, I am off home today.
Wahoo, jumping up, fist punching.
I am going home.
I am going to get fed. I am going to sleep all day and in my mothers own words, 'be fed like a swallow'.
Make of that what you will but, to me this means I am going to be waited on hand and foot.
No change there but hey!
So, after downing a bottle of trusty coke at 5am this morning, staggering down the stairs in the pitch black, I woke up feeling fresh.
Given, a few hours later than 5am.
Now to get the train home and be pampered, if it's only for half a day, I don't care. Just get me on that train.
How are you lovely lot.
Can you believe it's February tomorrow.
I am not quite sure what to make of it.
I feel as though I am on a conveyor belt and I am struggling to get off.
This year has flown by.
Please slow down.
Anyway, song for today is... Home of course.
I have been annoyingly whistling this and singing non stop, wherever I am.
Apologies for anyone who has been subject to this.
It's just a beautiful song.
I want to shout from the rooftops about this song, it's fantastic.
Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
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