Day 159 of 365
Monday 6/2/12
Que tal?
I am so tired.
How are you lovely lot?
I have had a rather busy yet nice day.
Well, the start wasn't the best. I was up at 5.45am, raring to go... sadly not so.
It took breakfast in bed for me to pucker up and off we were to the station, thank God for Dad's taxi huh?
I actually love it, like I mentioned the other day, when the roads are so quiet, the headlights of the few cars circulating in the distance, a cold crisp morning it was. Especially on the platform!
Anyway, I got to Leeds with time to spare, grabbed a coffee and then headed into uni, massive bag in tow. The result of having not used a washing machine once this year, 2012 I mean - not the academic year. Come on, I'm not that gross. I happen to have a mother who I actually think may enjoy washing my clothes, maybe.
So, we got our site briefs and what do you know, we're back to Liverpool tomorrow. What's that, in a week I will have been back and forth to Leeds from Liverpool three times and back. Urgh.
However, tomorrow is going to be fun. I have a lecture until the late afternoon but then, girls in tow I am going to show them a good night out in the land of the scousers. Being from the other side of the water, I am a bit wary, I don't actually know my way around Liverpool, still. Having lived on the other side all my life. Shameful really.
Anyway, if anyone has not had the Liverpudlian experience, I may moan and chunter on at times about past experiences but truth be known, its a wonderfully cultural, lively city with lots of amazing buildings and opportunities.
There's also a new museum just opened up, being Architects, we get excited about these geeky things... Uhoh.
Oh, I very nearly forgot. Superbowl Sunday. My prediction/hope was correct. NYGiants. Hell to the Yeah.
Also, I just watched the Madonna set as I may have fallen asleep, wow.
I just did something uber geeky. I checked my online stats. According to the trusty source of EBlogger, it informs me that this week there have been 516 views from the US so, hey guys, what did you think of Superbowl. Although I fail every year at following/understanding the game I bloody love the excitement surrounding it.
Anyway, enough of that. Songs. Music. Genius.
This little gem.
I love Lana Del Rey, as you know, I bought her album the other day. She happened to fly straight in at #1 here in the UK. I also happen to love Bombay Bicycle Club. So what happens when you have this indie rock band perform a class beaut from the mesmorising Lana Del Rey.
Today, consider it my little gift to you to kickstart the week.
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