Monday, 13 February 2012 0 comments
Day 166 of 365

Monday 13/2/12

Good evening.
How are you all?
That day is ever fast approaching tomorrow huh? Anyone else out there going to be a single pringle? No, just me, okay. 
Yet again.

So like I said on Saturday, my best friend and I went to the cinema to see The Vow. 
Infact, come to think of it. We had the perfect date. Last valentines day we did the same. I cooked dinner and we drank wine and giggled all night long. This year, we went out on Saturday and after a romantic meal for two, we decided to go see this new movie.
Oh My God.
When will my Channing Tattum tap me on the shoulder and pronounce his love for me.
Surely, he's out there somewhere.
Hmm.. I am actually beginning to wonder whether they exist at all? 
After all, if they do, I am sure I would be waiting in a very long queue of like minded women. 
I've experienced young love and older love but I am yet to experience true love.
I guess you don't get that 'til you're married.

Is it too much to ask however, for a guy who wants to watch movies and cuddle all night long?
It appears so.
I blame Friends With Benefits. As much as I love that film.
Anyway, enough of this jibber jabber. It's not like me to get all lovey dovey in a blog post.
What's the world coming to. 
I just have to say. I totally recommend The Vow. Maybe not for any boys reading this, however - there were a lot of boys in the cinema - I guess they were dragged along. Think The Notebook esque. It's heart warming and emotional with just the right amount of comedy. 

I heard it was going to make me cry throughout however I managed, ever so slightly to hold myself, that's til I heard this.... 

'How do you look at the girl you love and tell yourself it's time to walk away?'

Anyway, on a lighter note, today has been a pretty long day. Maybe 'cos the fact I stayed up late watching the Grammys. I have been in Uni all day, making a virtual model of the city of Liverpool. The joys. I got home, cooked dinner, got a bath and now here we are, for the past 2 hours I have been procrastinating. 
As per usual.
However, this means I have discovered and rediscovered some amazing music. 
Infact, it's been insanely hard to chose you just one song for today, however I guess I better share some beautiful sounds with you. 
So as a special treat, here's a gift - cherish it.

James Blake - A Case Of You (Joni Mitchell cover)

PS. I hope there's a valentines card waiting at your doorstep, even if it is from your Dad!


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