Wednesday, 21 December 2011 0 comments
Day 100 of 365

Friday 9/12/11

Aah it seems crazy to think I have written to whoever may or may not be reading this 100 times already. I guess I am stating the obvious here but, that’s nearly a third of the way! I wonder how long I will keep this up? I know I have kinda failed miserably over the past few weeks, since Germany actually. My life has been crazy busy and as previously mentioned, unfortunately you guys have taken a much needed back seat. 

I often find myself, as you know procrastinating so I must take time to fill you in but maybe after the dreaded next few days. Anyway… I had a rather nice night tonight, just a chilled Friday night with the girls. As many of you know, as I keep harpering on about my oh so mundane life, I don’t get much sleep.

 Evidently so, it’s now 5am and I am writing this. That’s partly due to the fact I have become nocturnal but also, a kinda special reason. A long while ago my friend went on a gap yaah. Booked a round the world trip but was never to be seen again… Kind of. 

Well, she decided to stay in Australia and tonight I got to skype her. Bare in mind we haven’t spoken for nearly 22 months, face to face at least, a few emails have flown my way and vice versa but due to the wonderful world of skype and advances in technology, mixed with my nocturnal life and the fact she is 11 hours behind or in front I can never remember, well… 2 hours later and here I am. 

We had a great ‘ole catch up. Don’t you love it when you haven’t spoken to a friend in that long yet the minute you pick up the phone it seems like only yesterday. For anyone in Australia reading this I hear you’re not having the greatest of Summers, by that I mean weather. Well… I would love to say I sympathise however, it kinda made me smile… just a little, as I sit here shivering to the bone, to know that even in a beautiful country where the sun almost always shines, there’s my friend, sat in a ski jacket. 

Simple pleasures!
No offence intended! Hope everyone is well and has a great weekend!
Seee ya


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