Wednesday, 14 December 2011 0 comments
Day 97 of 365

Tuesday 6/12/11

Ah good morning there, what stupid person decided it would be a good idea to stay up all night?
Yes, instantly regretting it. I feel so ill. 
So I decided to stay up until all sane people would be waking up and starting their morning. I then thought I better get to bed for some much needed sleep, awaking a mere 3 hours later.

Tonight I have a date. It's in the library. 
It's now 10pm and I am heading out, crazy right, I told you I have become nocturnal.
Not a lot has happened today, I have been home alone and trying to get this work out of the way. I did however, write a little review and sent it to a well known company in the rare hope they listen to me. 

After listening and blogging incessantly about Lianne la Havas, Michael Kiwanuka and Lana Del Rey over the past few weeks, I have been trawling through youtube and watching Jools Holland avidly, telling all my friends about new acts and annoying my housemates going on and on. Whilst looking I stumbled across a brilliant duo that go by the name of The Civil Wars. They featured on Jools Holland a little while back with another favourite, Miles Kane, and I hate to admit but I was actually introduced to them through my not so cool Dad. 

Anyway, to give you a little insight - think the likes of Edward Sharpe and James Vincent McMorrow-esque. The Civil Wars consists of duo, John Paul White and Joy Williams. I think it's pretty safe to say I have developed a somewhat unhealthy obsession with their music. I have a sneaky suspicion you may just enjoy them too. 

"On February 1, 2011, The Civil Wars' debut studio album Barton Hollow was released in the United States and sold 25,000 copies in its first week, partially due to iTunes selecting "Barton Hollow" as its "Free Single Of The Week. The album remained at No. 1 on the itunes chart for approximately 9 days.


So that's a snippet of the email I sent to a broadcasting company, would love to hear them played in the UK more. Anyway, enough of that procrastinating.

 The hand in is tomorrow midday so tonight I expect will be a long one, one final push.
This time tomorrow I fully intend on being tucked up and fast asleep, it could not come quick enough. 
I hope you've had a good day.



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