Wednesday, 21 December 2011 0 comments

Day 99 of 365

Thursday 8/12/11

It's a little weird being home on a Thursday, didn’t quite do an all nighter! Mac broke much to my despair, well luckily for all of a couple of minutes but panic did strike. 

After attempting to regain some sort of normality in my sleep pattern, and of course rebuilding some much needed brain cells ahead of Monday I have decided to have a day at home, working from the bedroom that is. 
It’s pretty good living in a house with a bunch of Architects, like minded stupid students who chose this ridiculous course. I keep telling myself it’ll be worth it one day, but really? Hoping that day will come sooner rather than later.

 I want to be working now, I bet you never thought you’d hear the day someone was wishing to work huh? Well yeah…  I’d rather anything when compared to dreaded Monday. Final crit. Final, final. All the years work resting on one day… wish me luck. 



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