Day 92 of 365
Thursday 1/12/11
Damn. I just wrote an epic blog post and it deleted. Crazy.
Wasn't that epic.
Anyway, where was I.
Oh yes...
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree.
Unfortunately for me, the above could not be any farther fetched from the truth. I, for one, regrettably am I boring singledom. I for two, do not have either a partridge or a pear tree, much to my dismay.
Instead, here I am, a sleep depraved student staring at an ever familiar computer screen.
So you guessed it, yes it's Thursday which of course can only mean one thing... I did not sleep last night, of course. Today, we went to Manchester. Mystery boy and I yes.
Before that, on a positive note, my tutor liked the work, still a lot to be done before our final Christmas hand in but I have faith, I am getting somewhere. As I sat down to see the tutor however I noticed 'mystery boy' eagerly trying to catch my attention, a look of terror as I sat down and began making notes. I glanced down at my watch and realised, we had 20 minutes 'til the bus left and we were the other side of town.
I am sure you will be pleased to know we did make the coach although we were faced by a large line of people when we arrived so panic did strike, a little. 'He' tried to get me to sneak through the queue and hijack our coach without a scanned ticket, we had paid of course, he was just worried there wasn't going to be a double seat. Unfortunately for him, I am a good girl, nothing to do with the fact I was getting evils from the bus driver anyway, as I am sure he heard our child like giggles and talks of our plan to skip the queue.
I hate travelling sometimes. Especially when I feel travel sick, which - thanks to no sleep and no food I did.
So we got to Manchester and it was all lovely and Christmassy. I fully intended on walking around the massive German Market but unfortunately we opted for coffee and more coffee. We also went to a couple of museums, found out some Roman facts, looked around our site - (for design we get given a site, ours was Manchester) and got a little lost.
Back to my house we go, on the menu tonight, paella.
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