Wednesday, 21 December 2011 0 comments
Day 98 of 365

Wednesday 7/12/11

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.

Just for tradition and all that ;)

Well hello there, how are we all? 

After a 14hour stint in the library, 300 slides later and here’s me, a sleep depraved and starved student. 
It is currently 12.30 midday and we have just, literally, just this second handed in our tech. Ever the last minute Annie, my computer froze with approx. 5 minutes to go until hand-in and the group missed off a slide I did. Doh.

Oh well, I am going to get the bus home asap. Hop into bed and probably not wake up for an awful long time. In fact, I have my final hand in on Monday yet I simply cannot face more work at this present moment in time. I am going to watch a good ole classic, Bridget Jones.

So, in the meantime, whilst I am sleeping I wish you all well. Hey it's nearly the end of the week and not long at all to go until Christmas, I cannot bloody wait.

Hoping this weather perks up too, I don't like the rain one bit. Or the wind for that matter.

Anyway, although it's midday it's night time for me!



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