Day 114 of 365
Friday 23/12/11
Good evening.
I am finding it a little hard to piece together last nights antics.
Why do my nights of late attempt to re-enact 'The Hangover'?
I am not so sure.
So I got in at 7am this morning after texting my poor Dad to say I was struggling to keep my eyes open at 6.30am, to which he replied he would come get me. Bless him. Dad's taxi hey.
No matter how fast I grow up, my parents are always there.
So basically, after a fantastic night, silly ole me decided it would be a great idea to stay at work with some of the guys. What I didn't realise was that the prospect of sleep was not an option.
After acting cushion to a passed out colleague and acting as head masseuse for the evening I was beginning to feel the no sleep. Crazy I know but when work is not involved I would much rather be tucked up in bed.
We then got chucked out and found ourselves wandering the gardens at work at 5am. Of course, I had no shoes on so we opted for piggy backs around the walled garden until we found a secret hideout, a roof terrace we didn't even know existed, with the most amazing view. Pity it was pitch black. In just a dress and bare foot I was pretty cold to say the least, not the brightest idea I have ever had.
You'll be pleased to know we got chucked out as a joke, well more part of a cunning plan. There were a few people who weren't welcome anymore, ooopsy did I just say that? Well yes, I did. So basically, the guy who's room we crashed in told them everyone else had left - they were busy having fun in the bedroom may I add. I don't blame him for chucking them out!
Too much information?
I apologise.
Anyway, as soon as we saw the lights of the taxi we all ran back to the apartment.
Well, I got a good ole piggy back ride.
So today, I had every intention of sleeping all day. Nocturnal Hannah returns.
Unfortunately for me, my parents had other plans.
So after a mere couple of hours sleep I was up, dressed and ready to go out, again.
This time accompanied with the family, to an open house for Christmas drinks.
Champagne and chilli. The perfect combination.
Lucky I wasn't feeling hungover.
I decided to hop in a taxi with a friend who was leaving to go out on a Santa pub crawl, famous round here. On the 23rd December each year hundreds of youths dress as Santa and join forces to raise money for a chosen charity. The minute I got home I received a text, seems I just can't say no these days. All this work no play motive has really turned itself around this past week.
So off out I went, with a quick change of shoes I was off. Not dressed as Santa but supporting the cause all the same. It was a good night, lots of familiar faces. I decided to walk home, it's not far.
For some crazy reason I chose to walk home bare foot, I have no idea where this einstein idea sparks from, half way through the night when I feel the best option is no shoes.
I can tell you one thing, it really exhibited my finest vocabulary!
Back home and it's sleep time for me.
Lots of it I hope.
In the meantime, I hope you're having a great day and you've all finished work.
Holidays are comin'
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