Friday, 30 December 2011 0 comments
Day 121 of 365

Friday 30/12/11

Steady on. 
I just got into bed and completely nearly forgot to blog.

Good evening, how are you all? 
Right now I have a very numb derriere which i am sure you really want to know.
I've been sat at a desk for far too long. Not doing uni work either..
Oh no, I've been working today, at work. 
In the real world. Uhoh. 

Getting up at 7am when it's not Christmas sucked a little, a lot actually.
As did putting my makeup on in the dark as I blew the fuse and caused a blackout in my house.
As did getting wet as I ran the oh so long distance from the car to the front door of work, all of 2 steps but shush! 

Work went okay... a few complications including 3 staff members who didn't show up.
I wasn't on the event today, was a little strange being back in the office, having it to myself all day, it was busy to say the least. 

Got home, had curry. 
I always remember when we were younger, we used to have Curry Fridays at home. Those were the days hey. 

Anyway, last night, I don't think I blogged about the party.. 
Well it was meant to be a surprise party. 
As we all waited eagerly, hid behind the corner, giggling with our faces behind closed hands, trying to sneak a a peak through our fingers, here he comes, quick, everyone.
Well.. to say he was surprised... I am not so convinced, he said his Grandad gave it away as he decided he simply couldn't wait any longer for a beer!

So, irrespective of that, it was a really nice night actually. 
Apart from the haunting chants of many University students, egging him on to 'down a dirty pint'.
After all it was his birthday, I did cringe a little when I cast an eye across his horrified parents and family members! Youth of today hey! 

As I keep saying.
I must remind myself, I too, I am a student. 

Ahh, right well today has well and truly worn me out.
I have a little trick up my sleeve for tomorrows blog post to make it a little interesting for ya'll seen as its Happy New Year and all that. 

Well, in the meantime, I must write up some notes for dreaded dissertation, whilst propped up in bed I may add.


PS. Earlier I got a little bit bored so decided to get snap happy



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