Wednesday, 14 December 2011 0 comments
Day 94 of 365

Saturday 3/12/11

Ah so today is the day the housemate celebrates her 21st, with a house party in our little humble abode of a flat. After attempting and falling flat at work I am sat wide awake at 3am. I swear this course has made me nocturnal. So, I opted out of the night out, I know I know I am a bad housemate.
However, I figured I couldn't afford to lose another day of work tomorrow and plus, I should really start saving for the Christmas fund. Unfortunately not all went to plan.

By midnight everyone had left, I couldn't wait to get out of my dress and into the jim jams to watch Xfactor and make some dinner. Little did I know a certain person was going to linger until the early hours of the morning. Unfortunately it wasn't mystery boy, it was a friend from Wakeboarding but either way, I was tired.
After a lot of catch up tele and listening to the same stories being repeatedly told, I decided to head up to bed thinking he would get the hint and leave. All was well until I heard a knock at the door, begging to stay. I being the nice girl, allowed him too but said I needed to be up early to get some work done... we will see about that one.

So right now I am going to bed, it's nearly 5am and I am beyond tired, alarm is set for 4 hours time so cheers, drink to that, the joys of work.



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